A friend of Lakes Wills said this to our founder Stephen recently. She referred Stephen to write her grandparents’ Wills a couple of years ago, and around a year ago her grandfather sadly died. Talking recently, this friend told Stephen that sorting out her grandfather’s estate (she was an executor of his Will) was so much easier than sorting out her own mother’s, when she died a few years ago without a Will.

It may sound a bit weird, but most of us would probably like to think that when we die, the people we love will be sad. How sad may depend on our age and the circumstances, but they will be upset nonetheless. I wouldn’t be so arrogant as to say that having a Will in place would make your death any easier for your loved ones to handle, but it might stop it being more difficult than it has to be.

Why would we want to make our death more difficult for those we love, to deal with?

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